d I ove The Reading Room


The Dunyazad Digital Library

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The Reading Room

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The Reading Room

All books are free. To download books, go to their authors’ pages.

The editions you find here were created exclusively for the Dunyazad Digital Library. Their native format is PDF. The plain text and ePub files contain the same text, but on a device with a large enough screen the carefully typeset PDF versions will give you the best reading experience.

Currently the Library holds 70 volumes (4 of them in German), with a total of 24452 pages.

For more information, see About the Library.

Please leave a note in the Guestbook – share a thought, praise or criticize the librarian’s work, comment on a book, or just say hi!

To download all books in your preferred file format in a single zip file, go to the Download the Library page.

If you enjoy books from here, please support the Library!


Please note: Because the .mobi file format has gone out of fashion, and .epub files can be read on all devices including Kindle e-book readers, .mobi files have vanished from the Dunyazad Library. To make up for this loss, between April and June 11, 2023 all ePub files have been reformatted and updated.


The Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night

16 Volumes

translated by Richard Francis Burton

The Other Books, by Ages and Authors

(In roughly chronological order. Centuries occasionally overlap.)

Classical Antiquity

Homer (ca. 8th century BCE), translated by Samuel Butler

The Iliad (1898)

The Odyssey (1900)

Herodotus (5th century BCE), translated by George Rawlinson

The History (1858)

Lucian of Samosata (2nd century CE)

Lucian’s True History
translations by Francis Hickes (1634) and A. M. Harmon (1913)

Mediaeval Europe

Cuchulain of Muirthemne

The story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster

Arranged and put into English by Lady Gregory (1902)

The Mabinogion

From the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch O Hergest (The Red Book of Hergest)

Translated by Lady Charlotte Guest (1838–1845)

Aucassin and Nicolette

translated by Francis William Bourdillon (1887)

The 18th Century

Alain-René Lesage

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane (1715–1735)

Ludvig Holberg

Niels Klim’s Journey Under the Ground (1741)

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M—y W—y M—e (1763)

William Thomas Beckford

Vathek (1786)

William Blake

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790)

Mary Wollstonecraft

Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796)

The 19th Century

Captain Adam Seaborn

Symzonia. A Voyage of Discovery (1820)

Wilhelm Hauff

Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan (1825–1826) Deutsch/German

Mary Shelley

The Last Man (1826)

Jane Webb (Jane Loudon)

The Mummy! (1827)

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter (1850)

George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)

The Lifted Veil (1859)

Henry Morton Stanley

How I Found Livingstone (1872)

Richard Jefferies

After London (1885)

Henry Rider Haggard

King Solomon’s Mines (1885)

She (1886)

Bertha von Suttner

Die Waffen nieder! (1889) Deutsch/German

Lay Down Your Arms! (English translation)

Elizabeth G. Birkmaier

Poseidon’s Paradise. The Romance of Atlantis (1892)

William Morris

The Wood Beyond the World (1894)

Mary Kingsley

Travels in West Africa (unabridged edition) (1897)

Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness (1899)

The 20th Century

L. Frank Baum

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900)

James Elroy Flecker

The Last Generation (1908)

Jack London

The Iron Heel (1908)

South Sea Tales (1911)

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper (1892)

Herland (1915)

With Her in Ourland (1916)

Francis Stevens (Gertrude Barrows Bennett)

Friend Island (1918)

The Citadel of Fear (1918–19)

The Heads of Cerberus (1919)

Stella Benson

Living Alone (1919)

Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Pellucidar Series (1914–1942)

Sir Galahad (Bertha Eckstein-Diener)

Mütter und Amazonen (1932) Deutsch/German

Robert E. Howard

Conan (1932–36)

Solomon Kane (1928–32)

Kull, Bran Mak Morn and Turlogh Dubh O’Brien (1929–32)

Dark Agnes / Red Sonya (193? / 1934)

Almuric (1934)

A Gibbet Against the Sky (Poems)

A Gibbet Against the Sky Audio recordings

The 21st Century

Jim Bowering

The Green Comet Trilogy (2012–2017)

R. C. Smith

The Journey (2012) (For adult readers)

Herons and Heroines (2008–2017) (For adult readers)

Mara Samsara

Zäh und Dunkel (2020) Deutsch/German

Dark and Viscous (English translation)


Path to a True Calling (2024)

Not in the Library

Books that will not be in the public domain, and therefore not in the Dunyazad Library, for a long time to come …

Not in the Library


How to Download Files from the Authors’ Pages

This depends on your browser and your computer’s operating system, but on a Windows PC it is usually done by right-clicking the “Download …” link, and selecting “Save link as …”

If you left-click the link, the file may open in a new window or tab, and you can save it to a local drive from there.

What’s new?

2024-07-10: Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan (in German) von Wilhelm Hauff

2024-01-06: Path to a True Calling, A-K2-C

2023-08-24: Lucian’s True History by Lucian of Samosata

2023-06-11: The process of reformatting all ePub files has been completed

2023-03-18: Living Alone by Stella Benson

2022-12-12: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

2022-11-12: The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane by Alain-René Lesage

For a full list of recent updates see below

What’s next?

to be announced …

Your book

If you have written a book that you think might fit into the Library, and which you would like to see published here for free, please contact me. You can find my mail address on the About page. I’ll be glad to hear from you and see what you have written!

Full list of recent updates

Of repeated updates of the same page or file only the most recent one is shown.

Download statistices are currently not available.

2024-07-10: new book (in German), „Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan“ von Wilhelm Hauff

2024-01-06: new book, “Path to a True Calling”, A-K2-C

2023-08-24: new book, “Lucian’s True History” by Lucian of Samosata

2023-06-11: All ePub files have now been updated, mobi files are no longer available

2023-04-26: The process of updating ePub files and removing mobi files has begun (13 books so far)

2023-03-18: new book, “Living Alone” by Stella Benson

2022-12-12: new book, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum

2022-11-12: new book, “The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane” by Alain-René Lesage

2022-11-02: Hypatia calculator has moved to its own website, www.hypatia-rpn.net – see Software

2022-04-19: downloadable zip archive with the recordings of R.E. Howard’s poems

2022-03-14: four new recordings of R.E. Howard poems by Katzy_Kins

2022-02-22: new “Download the Library” page

2022-01-24: new book, “How I Found Livingstone” by Henry Morton Stanley

2021-11-28: three new recordings of R.E. Howard poems by Nina Nikolic

2021-10-18: update of the book “Herons and Heroines” by R. C. Smith to version 1.2

2021-06-17: new book, “Niels Klim’s Journey Under the Ground” by Ludvig Holberg

2021-05-03: new book, “The Mummy!” by Jane Webb

2021-03-11: new site map page, see “… Other Stuff – Site Map”

2021-02-18: A short synopsis of Richard Wagner’s “The Ring of the Nibelung” – in PDF format on the “… Other Stuff” page

2021-01-21: It has taken me more than a year, but I’ve finally re-recorded all the 55 Howard poems I had recorded, using a new microphone.

2021-01-01: new book, “The Pellucidar Series” (7 books in one volume) by Edgar Rice Burroughs

2020-12-01: new book, “Poseidon’s Paradise” by Elizabeth G. Birkmaier

2020-08-12: English translation “Dark and Viscous” of Mara Samsara’s book “Zäh und Dunkel”

2020-08-12: update of the book “Zäh und Dunkel” (in German) by Mara Samsara to version 1.2

2000-07-18: minor update of “The Last Man” to version 1.01

2020-07-17: new “Not in the Library” book recommendation page, see “… Other Stuff”

2020-07-14: update of the book “Zäh und Dunkel” (in German) by Mara Samsara to version 1.1

2020-04-09: new book, story “Zäh und Dunkel” (in German) by Mara Samsara

2020-04-07: fixed an error in the “character set” note in all plain text files

2020-03-27: minor updates of “King Solomon’s Mines” (to 1.02), “She” (to 1.03), and “The Heads of Cerberus” (to 1.01)

2020-03-02: new book, novella “The Lifted Veil” by George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)

2020-02-27: updated the “Voice Recording for Beginners” guide

2020-01-16: DTHTML tool updated to version 1.2 (see “The Dunyazad Plain Text Format” on the “… Other Stuff” page)

2020-01-11: update of “The Journey” by R.C. Smith to version 1.2

2020-01-09: new book, short story “Friend Island” by Francis Stevens (Gertrude Barrows Bennett)

2019-12-16: new book, “The Citadel of Fear” by Francis Stevens (Gertrude Barrows Bennett)

2019-12-07: removed link to “Free Classic Movies” on the “Other Stuff” page, because that site has been discontinued

2019-12-06: minor update of the book “Mütter und Amazonen” by Sir Galahad (Bertha Eckstein-Diener) to version 1.01

2019-11-29: minor update of R.E. Howard’s poems “A Gibbet Against the Sky” (all file formats) to version 1.07

2019-11-26: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “Shadows on the Road”

2019-11-21: the Howard poetry index page has a new address:

2019-11-11: new book, “The Heads of Cerberus” by Francis Stevens (Gertrude Barrows Bennett)

2019-11-06: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “The Ride of Falume”

2019-10-29: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “Memories”

2019-10-23: new recordings of R.E. Howard poems, “Egypt,” “A Challenge to Bast,” and “A Song of the Legions”

2019-10-21: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “Nights to Both of Us Known”

2019-10-13: new book, “Mütter und Amazonen” (in German) by Sir Galahad (Bertha Eckstein-Diener)

2019-10-09: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “Twilight on Stonehenge”

2019-10-07: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “The Ghost Kings”

2019-10-02: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “The Tempter”

2019-10-02: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “The Myth”

2019-09-05: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “The Rhyme of the Three Slavers”

2019-08-28: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “Futility”

2019-07-12: new book, “The Mabinogion” in the translation by Lady Charlotte Guest

2019-07-05: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “A Song Out of Midian”

2019-06-11: minor update of “Solomon Kane” plain text, epub and mobi files, to version 1.01b (added missing scene break symbols)

2019-06-07: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “The Witch”

2019-06-06: moved R.E. Howard recordings to new directory /audio/howard/

2019-06-04: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “Easter Island”

2019-06-04: updated the “Voice Recording for Beginners” guide

2019-05-29: updated the “About the Library” and “Support the Library” pages

2019-05-25: abandoned the “Library Card” concept, all files can now be downloaded directly, without entering password

2019-05-21: updated the “RC Smith” author’s page

2019-05-09: new recording of an R.E. Howard poem, “One Who Comes at Eventide”

2019-04-09: new book, “The Last Man” by Mary Shelley