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Path to a True Calling

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Kortme’ paxtma ur tarj’fed Vraste’ —

Daf da bamons’sot da mour daf’tem sosh’sot —

Du’shem daf targje’sot targda’sot, subma, tarv’du,

un pasva ur di’fed’Kosh —

Kortme’ vowed to destroy the world.

After the winter solstice a child will be born.

She will provide peace, love, cooperation,

and understanding to all races.

Zanka un zanfa do tarv’rush’mon —

Du’mon daf tarv’un’vut tem’moragan’fed’kochtraam,

pes tarj’fed de —

Honor and respect your sex workers.

They can raise empires,

or destroy them.

Barbarian: uncivilized, brute, violent, heathen, vulgar, uneducated, pagan, uncultured, primitive, savage …

In a land of untold cultures, languages, and races, the barbarian clan of Hamr resides at the world’s northern extreme. Vraste’ is the place of learning, and to Hamr, their clan, faith, and path of life are most important.

Valkstae’s path across the Third Continent tests her faith and her mentors’ lessons. Those she encounters shape, strengthen, and alter her life’s path until Valkstae, the gentlest Hamr, finds her true calling and influences the world.

In the Hamr Custom of Perpetuating the Faith, Valkstae invites you to discover your inner barbarian. To embrace the ways of the Hamr and forsake your unfaithful path for a more natural way. Civilization is the anvil Hamr strike against as they forge themselves strong enough to conquer even their gods.


Author’s Note

You matter.

Every one of you, each day, alters the world and changes the future.

Like the rings formed by pebbles cast upon still waters, your words and actions result in the rise or fall of others and alter their life’s path. What you say or do matters, especially your intent; how much it resonates with them at that moment determines the impact. It changes them and redirects their interactions with others in an expanding wave of unforeseeable cause and effect.

Your smile can inspire courage or even save a life; your disapproving frown might prevent a crime or sap someone’s spirit when the world needs them most.

In stories, we focus on the heroes or villains, their actions and results. In real life, we notice those who have acquired wealth, power, fame, or acclaim. In either case, none of them would have followed the path they did or had the mindset to act without the indiscernible nudges provided by everyone we don’t read or hear about. People like you.

You wield tremendous power and make a difference. You have made history, laid a foundation for the future, have changed and will change thousands — perhaps millions of people’s lives. You shape humanity and the world. Without you, so much good — or bad — would never happen.

You affect my life. You matter to me.



Path to a True Calling Cover

Cover page design by the author, using a photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto


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